Just as Jethro advised Moses to appoint leaders to help lead the People, the Jurisdictional Bishop appoints District Superintendents to lead in the jurisdiction. The Jurisdiction is divided into “Districts” of churches that seek to work under the vision of the jurisdiction. Each Pastor has the ability to choose which District within the jurisdiction that they want to affiliate. The District Superintendent is a mentor, supporter and guide to local churches. The District Superintendent presides over a region allocated by the Bishop. A district usually consists of no less than 5 churches that relate and support one another. They gather for fellowship, financial support and to support the vision of the jurisdiction. A good district finds ways to help stimulate churches in His district without being overly involved in local church events. Often a District may have a monthly or quarterly “unity” meeting where information is shared, funds are raised, and saints are encouraged. Yearly, Districts host a District Convocation in preparation for the Holy Convocation. The Bishop or his designee comes to address and encourage the district on one of the days of the district convocation. District Superintends are always in touch with the Bishop and disseminates information to the Churches in the District. The Superintendent is NOT a boss to Pastors, instead they are a liaison from the Bishop’s office to support and encourage to advance the Kingdom of Heaven.