The Jurisdictional AIM (Auxiliaries In Ministry) Chair is appointed by the Jurisdictional Bishop. The AIM Chair is the individual that coordinates the yearly Jurisdictional AIM Convention. The AIM Convention features that 5 major Auxiliaries of the Church Of God In Christ—Missions, Evangelism, Music, Youth and Sunday School(Christian Education). In coordination with the Auxiliary Presidents, the AIM chair presents a Convention that stimulates the jurisdiction featuring training, services and events under the departments. The AIM Chair, with the approval of the Jurisdictional Bishop, appoints an executive team (Vice-Chairs, Secretary, Logistics Team, etc.) to handle the logistics of the convention. The AIM Convention must be a convention that inspires and propels the saints through a demonstration of excellence. Each Department must engage in activities and services that feature their department’s activities. The AIM Chair should stay in communication with the International AIM Department to remain current on information as well as to glean best practices that are trending around the world. The Auxiliaries of the Jurisdiction-Each of the 5 Departments (Missions, Evangelism, Music, Youth, Sunday School(Christian Education) should have a leader on each level of the jurisdiction—Local Church, District, and Jurisdictional—They all work together to equip the saints to engage in effective ministry.