A Church Of God In Christ Jurisdictional Bishop is only appointed by the Presiding Bishop and the General Board. The Jurisdictional Bishop is a General in God’s Kingdom and is the link to the Jurisdiction and the International Church. His role is to inspire, instruct, coordinate ministry in a given area of service. The Term “jurisdiction” speaks of a level of governance. Just as the Apostles in the Bible, the Bishop is to ensure that Biblical Instruction, Church Planting and Growth, Eccleastical Order, and defense of the faith is carried out in his given region of the world. The Jurisdictional Bishop is a leader of leaders in the advancement of the Kingdom of God. The goal of a Jurisdiction is to lift up Christ in a given area, thereby demolishing the works of satan in a given area. The Jurisdictional Bishop is to preside in the lifting up of Christ in a given area. Further, the Bishop is to ensure through various appointments that saints are trained, mobilized and discipled. The Jurisdictional Bishop also ensures that all administrative requirements to the International church are in compliance. This is to include, dissemination of information, registering all credential holders in the headquarters in Memphis, the submission of annual “reports” (membership dues” and serving in conjunction with other duties assigned by the Presiding Bishop, General Board, and Board of Bishops.(note-The Bishop is the only one that wears a blue/purple clergy shirt with Gold Chain)