Sharon Denise Mathews is saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost. Sharon is happily married to Bishop Vincent E. Mathews, Jr. God has blessed them with eleven biological children (eight boys and three girls). She is an Evangelist Missionary, and she has a passion for serving God’s people. She is an intercessor at heart with a desire to break strongholds to help others become free from spiritual, physical, and emotional bondage. Sharon and her husband served together in ministry while living in South Africa for 12 years. While in South Africa, she was the catalyst of a fledgling Women’s Ministry that served thousands of women. Sharon also was the leader of the “Lunch With Jesus,” weekday services that provided hot meals and the Word of God to disadvantaged people two days a week for ten years. Sharon specializes in doing home-to-home visits counseling, praying, and encouraging the churched and non-churched individuals. Sharon also planted a church for abused women in a bar and led weekly services there. Evangelist Sharon Mathews is an active homeschool Mom that has propelled all of her children to University studies. She was orphaned at the age of 12 but has leveraged that experience to be a genuine help in children and family ministry. God has gifted Sharon Mathews to be a relevant and transparent tool for the Lord to serve others.